upcoming Events
NOTE: If you would like your legal organization's events included in our calendar please use our
Contact Us page, or phone Melissa Gorin at 714.834.1340.
Feb 21
February 21 - John M. Langston Bar Association of Los Angeles, 48th Annual Installation & Scholarship Awards Gala
JW is a Dinner Wine Service Sponsor
The Beverly Hilton
9876 Wilshire Blvd.,
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Feb 22
Februrary 22 - Italian American Lawyers Association (IALA), Installation Gala
JW is an Annual Bronze Sponsor
The Athenaeum - Caltech
551 South Hill Ave.,
Pasadena, CA 91106
5:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Feb 24
February 24 - Beverly Hills Bar Association (BHBA), Crafting Effective Mediation Briefs: Strategies for a Successful Mediation
Hon. Norman Tarle, Ret. is Speaking
Via Zoom
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Feb 27
February 27, Public Counsel, The William O. Douglas Award Dinner
JW is a Benefactor
Beverly Wilshire: A Four Seasons Hotel
9500 Wilshire Blvd,
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Reception 6:00 PM, Dinner 7:00 PM
Feb 27
February 27 - Legal Aid Society of San Bernardino (LASSB), 2025 Access to Justice Gala
JW is a Guardian of Justice Sponsor
Fox Event Center
123 Cajon St.,
Redlands, CA 92373
5:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Feb 27
Februrary 27 - Association of Defense Counsel of Northern California and Nevada (ADCNCN), Do's and Don'ts in the Courtroom & Judicial Reception
JW is an Event Sponsor
The Sutter Club
1220 9th St,
Sacramento, CA 95814
Check-In: 2:30 PM
Seminar: 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Reception: 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM