Following 18 years of distinguished service on the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California bench and five years as President and CEO of Public Counsel, Judge Margaret M. Morrow has retired and is available as a mediator, arbitrator, and private judge, including special master and neutral appellate and trial assignments.

During her judicial tenure, Judge Morrow developed the Central District Court’s ADR program, overseeing it for 10 years. She also chaired the court’s committee to secure funding for, design, and build a new federal courthouse, which opened in 2016. Before her appointment in 1998, Judge Morrow spent 24 years in private practice, handling a variety of civil trial and appellate litigation matters, mediating cases, and assisting clients with the arbitration process by filing motions to compel, vacate, and confirm. Throughout her career in practice and on the bench, she has been dedicated to finding creative ways to resolve disputes that often cannot be achieved through litigation.

Dedicated to helping ensure access to justice for all and to minimizing the impact of wealth disparities between parties, Judge Morrow most recently served as President and CEO of Public Counsel Law Center, a nonprofit, public-interest law firm that serves low-income communities and individuals.

Judge Morrow’s commitment to the administration of justice and the legal community is evidenced by the various roles she played in the Los Angeles County Bar Association and the State Bar of California. She was the first woman president in the State Bar’s history and devoted much of her time on the State Bar Board of Governors and in the leadership of the County Bar to improving our court system and increasing access to justice. One of her many accomplishments was the sponsorship of a successful ADR Pledge Campaign directed to lawyers, law firms, and businesses statewide. Judge Morrow also helped draft and lobby the original California court mediation statute and was one of the authors of a bench-bar guide on court-related ADR.

With ADR experience at every level of her professional career, Judge Morrow has been praised by bar associations, lawyers, and clients for her class, fairness, intelligence, and integrity. One attorney commented: “Margaret is thoughtful, compassionate, extremely bright, and has dealt with lawsuits, disputes, and controversies from many angles, including as a talented and successful big law partner and a highly regarded federal judge. She applies rare insight and problem-solving skills to all aspects of her work and will be outstanding in assisting parties in resolving their cases.”

Practice Areas
  • Business Litigation
  • Civil Appeals
  • Civil Class Actions
  • Contract/Commercial
  • Consumer Class Actions
  • Employment
  • Insurance/Bad Faith
  • Personal Injury
  • Product Liability
  • Professional Malpractice
  • Securities Class Actions
  • Trademarks/Copyrights/Patents
  • Trade Secrets
Hobbies & Interests

Margaret actively volunteers in the community. In her free time, she enjoys watching sports, reading, and baking. She loves spending time with her dog and granddog and hopes to take up, after 20 plus years away, tennis and piano again soon!

Legal Career
  • Neutral, Judicate West (2022-Present); Co-Chair of the Federal Practice Group (2023-Present)
  • President/CEO, Public Counsel Law Center (2016-2021)
  • Senior Judge of the United States District Court for the Central of California (2015-2016)
  • Judge of the United States District Court for the Central of California: Developed and for 10 years oversaw the court’s ADR program and chaired the court’s committee to secure funding for, design, and build a new federal courthouse, which opened in 2016 (1998-2015)
  • Partner, Arnold & Porter; General civil trial and appellate litigation, including a wide range of civil appeals, corporate and business disputes, and arbitration-related litigation, including motions to compel, vacate and confirm (1996-1998)
  • Founding Partner, Quinn, Kully, & Morrow; General civil trial and appellate litigation, head of firm’s appellate practice which included all types of civil appeals, arbitration, motions to compel, and mediation (1987-1996)
  • Partner, Kadison, Pfaelzer, Woodard, Quinn & Rossi; General civil trial and appellate litigation with an emphasis on business and contract disputes, professional malpractice, insurance coverage, and product liability (1974-1987)
Education & Professional Affiliations
  • J.D., Harvard Law School, cum laude (1971-1974)
  • B.A., Bryn Mawr College, magna cum laude (1968-1971)
  • Pepperdine/Strauss Institute, ‘Mediating the Litigated Case’ Training Course (2022)
  • American Arbitration Association, Addressing the Challenges of Demanding Arbitrations; Part I, The Pre-Hearing Landscape; Part II, The Hearing Phase, The Award and Beyond (2022)
  • State Bar of California, President: Launched a successful ADR Pledge Campaign directed to lawyers, law firms, and businesses throughout California and participated in preparing an ADR primer for California attorneys (1993-1994); Member, Board of Governors: Participated in drafting and lobbying California’s original court mediation statute and helped author a bench-bar guide on court-related ADR (1990-1993)
  • Los Angeles County Bar Association, President (1988-1989); Oversaw the adoption of Litigation Guidelines governing practice in LA Superior Court and the Central District of California; Barrister’s Section, President (1982-1983); Member, Board of Trustees (1981-1989)
  • Legal Services Corporation, Member, Rural Legal Task Force (2021-Present); Member, Leadership Council (2021-Present)
  • American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Member, Access to Justice Implementation Advisory Committee (2021-Present)
  • American Bar Association, Member, House of Delegates (1990-1992); Member, Standing Committee on Legal Aid and Indigent Defendants (1989-1991); Director, Young Lawyers Division (1984-1985)
  • Association of Business Trial Lawyers, Member of the Board of Governors (1982-1984, 1998-2000) and Annual Seminar Chair (1984); Seminar Panelist (1991, 1992, 1994)
  • Inner City Law Center, Homeless Resources Center Board Member (1991-1992); Constitutional Rights Foundation, Board Member (1995-1999); Public Counsel Board of Directors (1984-1986)
Achievements & Awards
  • Beacon of Justice Award, Friends of the L.A County Law Library (2022)
  • Public Service Award, National Association of Women Lawyers (2019)
  • Jim Robie Award for Professionalism and Civility, Los Angeles County Bar Association Litigation Section (2017)
  • Impact Award, Southern California Chinese Lawyers Association (2016)
  • Judge of the Year Award, Association of Southern California Defense Counsel (2011)
  • Outstanding Jurist Award, Los Angeles County Bar Association (2010)
  • Shattuck-Price Award, Los Angeles County Bar Association (1997)
  • Bernard E. Witkin Amicus Curiae Award, Judicial Council of California (1995)
  • Ernestine Stahlhut Award, Women Lawyers Association of Los Angeles (1994)
  • President’s Award, California Association of Court-Appointed Special Advocates (1994)
  • Pro Bono Advocacy Award, Western Center on Law and Poverty (1992)
  • Maynard Toll Award, Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles (1990)
  • Daniel O’Connell Award, Irish American Bar Association (1989)
  • Certificate of Appreciation, Los Angeles County Commission for Women (1988)
Below is a sampling of the various matters Hon. Margaret M. Morrow, Ret. presided over on the bench, tried as an attorney, or handled as a neutral.

Consumer Class Action

  • Adjudicated multiple class actions - some nationwide - against various automobile manufacturers, alleging that their vehicles suffered from defects rendering them a safety hazard, and asserting claims under California's Consumer Legal Remedies Act, California Business & Professions Code§ 17200, and the Song-Beverly Consumer Warranty Act, among others, as well as similar statutes in other states.
  • Adjudicated numerous consumer class actions alleging that various retailers of food products made false, deceptive and misleading claims concerning the health benefits of their products in advertising and on product labels, and asserting claims under California Business & Professions Code§ 17200; California's False Advertising Law, Business & Professions Code§ 17500, and California's Consumer Legal Remedies Act.
  • Mediated two class actions alleging claims for fraud and violations of consumer protection statutes against mobile gaming sites.
  • Mediated a dispute between a class of insureds and an insurer in the travel insurance market concerning the return of a premium.
  • Mediated a class action case involving false advertising and illegal gambling claims related to mobile game applications.


  • Mediated a dispute between a minority shareholder of a skateboarding apparel company whose majority owner is a multinational, publicly traded corporation concerning a buy-out formula contained in the agreement pursuant to which the majority shareholder acquired its interest in the company, and concerning the extent of the company's right to use the name, image and likeness (NIL) of the company's founder (a competitive skateboarder), whose NIL rights passed to the minority shareholder (a family trust) upon his untimely death.
  • Conducted a lengthy court trial in a breach of contract dispute between a major studio and an Israeli cable television company concerning an exclusive license to broadcast television programming in Israel.
  • Adjudicated a bankruptcy debtor's claims against the principal shareholder of the debtor corporation and other entities for conspiracy to fraudulently transfer the debtor's assets, violate California's Bulk Sale Law, and violate California Business and Professions Code § 17200.
  • Adjudicated a case filed by a well-known hair care company against a major consumer brands company asserting that defendant had stopped producing the hair care company's product in favor of defendant's competing product and in an effort to avoid paying royalties, and alleging claims for fraud and breach of fiduciary duty.
  • Adjudicated claims alleging breach of a licensing agreement to use plaintiff's proprietary business models to develop banking software to assist banking institutions comply with complex regulatory risk capital requirements.
  • Handled a suit filed by the mother of an injured child for breach of contract to provide medical evacuation services, alleging claims for breach of contract, fraud, false advertising, and violation of California Business and Professions Code § 17200.
  • Chair of a three-arbitrator panel, hearing a dispute between the operator of oil and gas fields and the Trustee of a Trust holding a majority of the net profit interests and overriding royalty interests concerning the timing of dissolution of trust and sale of trust assets and propriety of recouping legal fees incurred in prior arbitration with Trust Unitholders.
  • Served as section 638 referee in a case involving a profit participation dispute between studio and financier.
  • Successfully mediated a trade secrets and copyright infringement case involving the creation of messaging apps that interface with social media platforms, such as Instagram and Snapchat.
  • Mediated a business/contractual dispute between a medical entity and the county where it is located.

Corporate Governance

  • Successfully mediated a shareholder's derivative action resulting in an agreement by all shareholders in a closely held corporation to sell the business.


  • Arbitration involving contract and fraud claims with questions regarding the illegality of the contract and arbitrability of claims under a new contract.

Securities Class Action

  • Adjudicated a securities class action alleging that a company had concealed from investors its practice of hiring undocumented workers at its factory and its failure to comply with federal reporting requirements, and had misrepresented the results of an ongoing federal investigation into the matter.
  • Handled a securities class action alleging that a company that sold various products used in the automotive industry had misrepresented that its business was booming and that it was experiencing and would continue to experience rapidly rising sales and profits.
  • Oversaw a securities class action against an automotive marketing services company that assisted dealers and manufacturers with marketing, advertising, and customer relations, maintained three car-buying websites and an automotive research website, alleging that it had materially overstated results, violated generally accepted accounting principles, and lacked adequate internal controls.
  • Adjudicated the SEC's action against a technology development company targeting greater ATM and smart card use that alleged issuance of false press releases concerning strategic alliances and licensing agreements that caused its stock price to rise.


  • As a lawyer, represented a major national law firm in a suit alleging that it had engaged in sex discrimination in failing to elevate a female associate to partner.
  • As a lawyer, successfully mediated claims against a prominent national law school arising from its failure to grant tenure to a female professor.
  • Adjudicated a suit brought by a sheriffs lieutenant who was demoted following an unsuccessful run for sheriff and who claimed the demotion was in retaliation for protected First Amendment speech.


  • As a trial judge, adjudicated scores of wage and hour putative class actions under the California Labor Code and the Federal Labor Standards Act, as well as associated Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) claims.

Whistleblower Wrongful Term

  • Adjudicated a wrongful termination and whistleblower suit brought by a former public relations executive against his employer after he was indicted for crimes associated with overbilling a government client.
  • Denied motion to dismiss and conducted pretrial proceedings in a suit by an accounting executive against an entertainment/media company, who alleged that she was pressured to make inappropriate accounting entries, engaged in protected conduct under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, and was entitled to whistleblower protections. (The case, which was transferred to another judge before trial, resulted in a $6 million jury verdict for plaintiff).

Wrongful Termination

  • As a trial judge, adjudicated hundreds of employment cases alleging wrongful termination, constructive discharge, retaliation, hostile work environment, sexual harassment, ADA failure to accommodate, and violation of the FMLA and CFRA.
  • Conducted a court trial in a wrongful termination in violation of public policy case brought by a marketing executive for a media company who alleged that the company was falsely representing to customers the properties of a new technology.

Environmental Issues

  • Handled a suit by nonprofit entities challenging a permit issued by the Army Corps of Engineers that allowed construction of a new shipping terminal at the Port of Los Angeles.
  • Adjudicated a CERCLA suit alleging that property that had been leased and used for petroleum production for decades was contaminated and that past owners were responsible for the necessary clean-up, as were upstream operators whose activities had caused stormwater to deposit lead on the property.


  • Participated as part of a three-judge panel in a mock arbitration concerning research and development efforts and the contracts that governed them in the aviation industry to evaluate its litigation risk, settlement posture, and the possible range of damages.

Civil Rights

  • Mediated civil rights case in which officers shot one of the plaintiffs, causing brain trauma, impairing cognitive function and physical abilities. There was substantially divergent views of liability with significant damages exposure for injuries for the individual shot, and for loss of consortium, interference with familial relationship, and emotional distress if liability were to be found.

Class Actions

  • Complex MDL case involving 41 class actions alleging claims from an international car manufacturer installing anti-theft immobilizers on their vehicles for over a decade. A social media platform posted videos to promote a challenge (showing how to steal cars) that has led to a raft of vehicle thefts. During mediation, many complicated issues arose including a lack of available data. There are millions of vehicles involved in the class action and limited data on how many have been stolen, and how many class members with and without theft insurance.
  • Mediated a public nuisance and negligence claim brought by municipalities throughout the United States against a company for the design of its product.

Complex Civil Matters

  • Mediated a securities class action against directors, officers and underwriters of a publicly traded company involving both equity shares and bondholders while corporation was proceeding through bankruptcy.

Copyright Matters

  • Served as a neutral evaluator in a matter involving a copyright infringement case over a software product between a government entity and a technology company.
  • Mediated a trademark infringement and unfair competition dispute between social media platform companies. The claimed damages, supported by expert testimony, were several hundred million dollars, and substantial legal issues as to whether a common law trademark was merely descriptive and therefore not protectable, and where the likelihood of confusion evidence were main factors.

Employment Issues

  • Mediated an action in which the Department of Labor claimed violations of the regulations governing the H-2A visa program for agricultural workers, sought an injunction and consent judgment and payment of back wages for workers.

Trademark Issues

  • Trademark, trade dress, and copyright claims were settled after substantial discussion of causation of the plaintiff's lost profits/price erosion damages (6-10 parties in the marketplace selling allegedly infringing goods). Additionally, there were significant coverage issues related to policies with changing terms governing injury coverage.

Bad Faith

  • While in practice, authored numerous coverage opinions pertaining to claims under comprehensive general liability policies, including bodily injury and property damage claims as well as personal and advertising injury claims; similarly provided coverage opinions pertaining to professional errors and omissions policies and directors' and officers' policies.
  • As a lawyer, successfully secured coverage on appeal for parents and children after children were molested by one of the owners of a nursery school on the basis that the policy afforded coverage to the co-owner of the school as an individual.
  • As a trial judge, adjudicated a dispute between insurance carriers regarding their duties to defend and indemnify a suit brought by the owners of more than one hundred single-family dwellings for damages resulting from alleged construction defects.
  • Conducted a court trial of a bad faith case brought by insureds who were denied coverage for destruction of their home based on the insurer's conclusion that arson was involved.
  • Adjudicated a representative action for breach of contract, breach of the implied covenant, and violation of Business & Professions Code Section 17200 brought by a plaintiff who alleged she had been denied benefits under a group disability policy issued to her employer.
  • Conducted a court trial of an action brought by an insurer alleging that its agent failed to disclose and misrepresented material facts regarding an application for jeweler's block insurance, which resulted in the insurer having to pay policy limits following a theft at the insured's premises.
  • Adjudicated a case brought by estranged former spouses, who were both employees of an insured company, alleging that the company' s insurer had a duty to defend a slander suit brought by the former wife after statements by her former husband that she was responsible for severe cash flow problems at the company and had stolen company property.


  • Mediated coverage dispute involving a media services policy (both defense and indemnity were contested) in which a mediated settlement in the underlying MDL class action was contingent upon resolution of the coverage dispute.
  • Successfully mediated a multidistrict litigation consumer class action case involving a product used by infants, as well as related insurance coverage dispute.

Inter Carrier Dispute

  • Mediated a matter involving disputes between two insurance agencies regarding a lack of services performed in accordance with its contractual obligations and applicable industry standards and laws. Settlement entailed a joint letter to the insurance industry and to the insureds in addition to a monetary amount. This settlement was achieved after three and a half months of working with the parties.

IP Copyright

  • Adjudicated a case brought by major print publications alleging that posting copies of their news articles without permission on a website was not a legally protected fair use under the copyright statute.
  • Adjudicated a suit in which plaintiff alleged that the Matrix and Terminator movies infringed copyrights in two works plaintiff had created.
  • Adjudicated copyright claims related to the Avatar movie.
  • Adjudicated claim by a beauty pageant corporation that a former employee and her beauty pageant company infringed its copyrights in pageant materials and misappropriated customer lists, which were purportedly protectable trade secrets.
  • Adjudicated claims by a songwriter that various defendants infringed his copyrights in songs he created for the television series "Remington Steele."

IP Patent

  • Adjudicated a suit by company holding a patent on a ceramic orthodontic bracket against a competitor also marketing a ceramic orthodontic bracket, involving claims in invalidity and infringement.
  • Suit by a company that had licensed patents held by an inventor of a silicone gastric band used in treating morbid obesity and other products related to gastric banding, alleging invalidity of the patents and non-infringement.
  • Adjudicated multiple suits between two eyewear manufacturers alleging both invalidity and infringement of patents protecting an eyeglass frame with magnetic members designed to engage corresponding magnetic members on an auxiliary frame such as a non-prescription sunglasses frame.
  • Adjudicated an action alleging infringement of a patent covering a method of fireproofing the space between the ceiling and walls of a structure.
  • Adjudicated infringement and invalidity claims related to patents held by competitors in the market for interface devices that allow factory-installed remote vehicle stereo controls to be used with after-market replacement stereos.

IP Trademark

  • Adjudicated claims by a Los Angeles business that the creator of the Grand Theft Auto video game infringed the business' trademark and trade dress by designing and including a similar-looking business in the game.
  • Successfully mediated a dispute between two bottled water companies alleging that one had infringed the other's trademark and trade dress.
  • Adjudicated a case brought by a manufacturer of plush toys alleging that another toy company had infringed its copyrights, trademark, and trade dress, and had engaged in unfair competition, misappropriation and false designation of origin by promoting a similar line of plush toys.
  • Adjudicated a case filed by an international company, with businesses spanning several industries, which claimed that a gas station in California infringed its trademark and logo.
  • Adjudicated a suit filed by the manufacturer/marketer of a trademarked line of fragrances, bath and body care products against a celebrity and a national cosmetics company, alleging trademark infringement because of their use of a confusingly similar mark on fragrances, cosmetics, and skin care products.
  • Mediated a patent and trade dress dispute between competitors in the ready to drink cocktail market.

Agent and Broker Malpractice

  • As a lawyer, handled multiple matters involving malpractice claims against lawyers, accountants, insurance brokers, architects and engineers.

Prof Malpractice Accounting

  • As a lawyer, represented a Big 8 accounting firm in multiple multimillion-dollar lawsuits alleging malpractice in connection with audits and other services.

Professional Malpractice Legal

  • As a lawyer, was retained in malpractice and other cases to provide expert testimony concerning ethical standards governing lawyers.

Real Property

  • Mediated a difficult and emotional dispute between two sophisticated real estate investors who have been partners and friends for three decades. Claims involved the theft of a partnership opportunity by one of the partners. At the heart of the dispute is a property containing thousands of acres of land which is being operated as a mitigation bank (government entities and private developers whose projects will destroy wetland areas in Southern California.)
  • Arbitrated a non-binding arbitration between two communication companies regarding a real estate dispute over several buildings. Rulings made on several motions and the threshold legal issues involved the interpretation of extensive lease agreements.
  • Served as one of three arbitrators on a mock arbitration panel hearing evidence and arguments in a dispute between two of the major commercial real estate developers in the United States.

Business Torts

  • Arbitrated a dispute concerning an option to purchase certain production and exploitation rights in connection with a proposed motion picture.

Civil Rights

  • Adjudicated hundreds of police misconduct cases alleging violations of civil and constitutional rights under of 42 U.S.C. § 1983; many of these cases went to trial.
  • Adjudicated claims against a county jail by the family of an inmate who suffered from mental health problems and jumped to his death while incarcerated awaiting trial.
  • Adjudicated numerous suits alleging violation of the First Amendment right of free speech, right to petition, and right of association.
  • Adjudicated scores of cases involving claims of violation of rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
  • Adjudicated the government's effort to dissolve an almost 20-year-old injunction requiring that it advise Salvadoran refugees of their right to counsel, their right to apply for political asylum, and their right to a hearing prior to removal, as well as claims by the plaintiff class that the conditions in ICE detention facilities that led to entry of the injunction in the 1980s persisted.
  • Adjudicated an Alien Tort Claims Act case alleging racial discrimination and environmental harm, as well as genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity arising from the activities of a mining company in Papua New Guinea; the case raised important questions of jurisdiction of US courts, and was heard by the Ninth Circuit twice and ultimately by the Supreme Court.
  • One member of a three-judge panel that adjudicated a Voting Rights Act case challenging the lines drawn in the 2000 decennial redistricting; the decision affirmed on direct appeal by the Supreme Court.

General Negligence

  • Adjudicated a case brought by an inmate against a prison facility alleging that, due to the facility's negligence and failure to take protective measures, he contracted Valley Fever.

PI Auto

  • Mediated a case in which a plaintiff received a multi-million dollar jury verdict at trial for a TBI sustained after a motorcycle accident. The plaintiff's life is inalterably changed. The defendant had a limited policy and the plaintiff had no insurance. The defendant also had limited assets, particularly because his immediate family suffers from cancer and depression and/or attempted suicide resulting in his income which barely meets expenses. The defendant's church conducted a fundraiser for him and he was able to offer about half a million dollars, and with an additional sum from the carrier, the matter settled.
  • Conducted a court trial in a personal injury action filed by a longshoreman injured in an automobile accident at the Port of Long Beach after his vehicle collided with a vehicle driven by a Customs and Border Patrol officer.

PI Sexual Assault

  • Mediated a case that concerned the sexual molestation of two young boys over a period of years by a religious figure who was later convicted of molesting other children and served time in prison. Three different insurers were involved and key issues were involved pertaining to a wide variety of insurance coverage disputes.

Product Liability

  • As a lawyer, tried a case alleging that plaintiff had lost portions of his hand due to defects in a paper pulp processing machine and the manner in which it was installed in a factory.
  • As a trial judge, tried a case involving products liability and wrongful death claims that asserted defendant's beard trimmer was defective, and caused a flash fire that ignited a 16-year-old's clothing and body while shaving, resulting in his death.
  • Tried a personal injury case asserting that a child was injured as a result of the negligent design of a ride/attraction at a theme park.
  • Oversaw a case involving claims that certain drugs manufactured by a pharmaceutical company caused osteonecrosis of the jaw.
  • Adjudicated a couple's products liability and related claims against the manufacturer of a paper converting machine after the husband was injured while working with the machine.
Judge Morrow is one of the very best mediators I have had the pleasure of working with. She handled this very challenging and peculiar mediation tremendously and I sincerely thank her for her valued assistance.
- Attorney on a Business Contractual Case
My client and I very much appreciated the work the mediator did between our two "formal" mediation sessions to learn more about the factual bases for the parties' claims and facilitate information exchanges between the parties, which ultimately helped lead to a resolution. Much of the work was done outside the typical "everyone in a room" mediation setting, and I don't think every mediator would have undertaken that kind of an effort to push the parties forward.
- Attorney on a Business/Contractual Case
Margaret is a top-notch judge. She is thoughtful, careful, prepared, and never biased or shows any favoritism. Her decisions are based on law, facts, and issues. She truly has the capacity and intelligence to handle any type of matter.
- National Trial Chair of a National Law Firm
I have not encountered a smarter or more prepared lawyer or judge in my 41-year career. There certainly won’t be a case that is too complicated for Judge Morrow to unravel and resolve. She instantly steps into the elite tier of top Southern California mediators and arbitrators.
- Partner and Deputy General Counsel of a National Law Firm
Judge Morrow took far more time in preparing for the mediation than most others. Really cared. Really wanted to figure out a very complicated case. And she settled it at the right amount, with a very clear amount of personal effort. She was great. Would definitely use her services again.
- Attorney on a Banking Finance Issues Case
Our mediator, Judge Margaret Morrow, was outstanding. She went above and beyond to resolve a complex coverage issue in addition to the underlying matter for which she was retained. We couldn't be happier with her work or the result.
- Attorney on an IP/Trademark Case
Hon. Margaret M. Morrow, Ret.
Based in Los Angeles | Available Nationwide
Mediation Case Manager: Heather Reed
Arbitration/Private Judging Case Manager: Heidi Adams